The sexual relationship of Gemini man and Leo woman can actually turn out to be a very alluring one to most of the passionate couples. Her sensuality flows with ease if her Gemini man shows her the finesse and delicacy she craves. Gemini man has just what his Leo woman needs as well as being a great lover through entertainment and imagination. This makes a highly satisfied sexual relationship in the beginning but with time, this relationship, however, does not go without compromise on both sides. Gemini man’s inability to stay as true to his Leo woman as she would want him to be causes her to turn her cold shoulder to him. This includes infidelity as well as mere flirting. Gemini man must stay as true to her as he can be. Although their love making occurs quite often, Leo woman’s insatiable hunger is not completely satisfied with her Gemini man in the state of mind he is in, therefore he must at least show her quite often that he can’t resist her and give her complete devotion and physical display of love.
The frivolous lifestyle of Gemini man is not tolerated by her. He is not so easily tamed however. His charm and silver tongue gets him out of almost any situation he doesn’t want to be caught in. What he didn’t account for is the fact that Leo woman has one up on her Gemini man. Her sense of natural attraction turns his head before she even tries to rope him into her life. She only has to convince him that she is not after his independence. This will be difficult for her to do as she actually does want his complete and undivided attention, but if she can compromise this and let herself be a strong part of his world then this relationship can work. For a long term relationship there will need to be compromises on both parts and even an external factor such as a family or financial commitments.
Also See
- Gemini with Leo Love Compatibility
- Gemini Woman with Leo Man Love Compatibility
- Gemini Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs
- Leo Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs
If there is going to be any long term permanency in this relationship, Leo woman has to work hard in taming this wild and wandering creature
I’m a caucasian Gemini man whom has been in love with my Leo lady of color for 3 1/2 years. Were both middle aged and had our bad experiences with other companion choices. My issue is I have expressed how deeply I’m in love with her and she has told me the same, BUT i’ve asked her to move in with me consistently over the past 6 months, and she consistently tells me she has to work things through before she will move in. I own a $400K home verse her rental house that that is in a bad part of town and might be worth $40K at best, and is in need of a lot of work. I also provide her with money or anything she ask for, and then some. She will also not allow me to come to family events, or visit her home. I’m very concerned about this, and I’m getting to the point of great hurt, even though I’ve never LOVED someone as much as I LOVE her. If I don’t text her and call her daily she gets angry, so that alone tells me she very much cares about me, and loves me as much as I love her. So what can I do or say, to convince her to live with me, and be confident that I will continue to give her a better life then she has ever experienced. She has asked me to marry her, and I have told her I will, she even showed me the ring she wants (which I have already bought). But if I can’t even get her to live with me now, it concerns me alot that even if I ask her I’m still concerned she won’t live with me. LOST Gemini MAN!